SOAP API - comment

The table summarizes the SOAP API - comment.

Request Uses the CommentRequest element (from the EventCollectorUpdateService schema).
Parameter notes
  • message: The text of the comment.
  • parentCommentId: (Optional): The audit ID returned in the CommentResponse element in response to a previous request.
  • attribute: (Optional):
    • attributeId: attribute ID that this value value refers to.
    • attributeName: (Optional): the name of the attribute.
    • attributeDisplayName: (Optional): the display name of the attribute.
    • value: the value of the attribute in the context of this event.
  • reference: Must be of one of the following:
    • caseRef: Must be one of the following:
      • reference: The reference to the case object. You can obtain case references using findAllCases.
      • caseDetails: Must consist of:
        • className: The fully qualified name of the case class. For example, com.example.gddemo.Car. You can obtain class names by using getCaseClassInfo.
        • modelVersion: The version number of the case model. For example, 2 or 2.0.0.
        • managedObjectId: The case model ID. For example, 1.
    • processInstanceRef: identifies the process instance ID whose events you want to audit. Can be obtained from listProcessInstances, queryProcessInstances or queryProcessInstancesAlt.
    • workItemRef: Must be one of the following:
      • idReference: identifies the work item ID whose events you want to audit. Can be obtained from getWorkListItems.
      • fullReference: Must consist of:
        • workItemId: identifies the work item ID whose events you want to audit. Can be obtained from getWorkListItems.
        • instanceId: identifies the process instance ID whose events you want to audit. Can be obtained from listProcessInstances, queryProcessInstances or queryProcessInstancesAlt.
        • applicationActivityInstanceId: Instance identifier of the activity from which the work item was derived. This value is unique even if the activity is executed multiple times - for example, as part of a loop.
Response Returns a CommentResponse element (from the EventCollectorUpdateService schema).
Example Request:
            <message>This is also a claim</message>            
      <commentResponse xmlns="">
         <id xmlns="">1432</id>