
Updates the specified calendar entry if it already exists, or create it if it does not.

  • Date and time values in the request must be time-zone neutral.
  • A recurring exclusion is defined using the recurrence rule expression, not as a series of individual dates and times. You cannot edit an individual occurrence of a recurring exclusion as a separate entity, so any amendments made to a recurring exclusion will be applied to all occurrences of that exclusion.
  • If the request is to update an existing calendar entry, the version value returned in the earlier request to retrieve the calendar entry (GetCalendarEntries) should be passed in this saveCalendarEntry request. If the given version value does not match the current value held in the database, a conflicting update must have occurred since the initial request to retrieve the entry, and the save request will be rejected. The caller must then perform another GetCalendarEntries request.
  • If the version value shows no conflict, the calendar entry will be updated, and the response will include a new version value.
  • Amendments to existing calendar entries will not be reflected in those deadline calculations that have already been performed.
Action SaveCalendarEntry
Parameter Notes
  • namespace, name, version  identify the calendar to which the entry or entries are to be saved.
  • start, end  start and end dates of the period for which entries should be displayed in the response. Both dates must be specified, the date range cannot be open-ended. The response will show the exclusions that apply over the given start-to-end period.
  • create-working-day, update-working-day, create-recurring, update-recurring  You have a choice of entering any one of these types of calendar entry in one saveCalendarEntry operation.
  • start, end  start and end dates for this particular calendar entry. The end date is not mandatory. If the entry is a recurring one, any use of count or until in the recurrence rule overrides any end date specified here.
  • duration  the length of each occurrence of a recurring entry. Defined as in RFC-5545.
  • rrule  the recurrence rule. This is the expression used to define a recurring calendar entry. The format of the rule is defined as in RFC-5545. For more information about recurring exclusions, see "Adding Recurring Exclusions" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Developer's Guide.
  • guid  the unique ID of the calendar entry.
    • If you are creating a working-day entry or a recurring entry, the response returns the GUID that has been assigned to the new calendar entry.
    • If you are updating an existing entry, include the GUID of the entry in the request message to identify the correct entry. You can get the GUID from a previous call to GetCalendarEntries .
Return SaveCalendarEntryResult

Required System Action
