
The <bpm-case-details-page> business component displays case-specific information and options for a specific case, using a main pane and a right-hand sidebar.

If you want to customize the contents of the <bpm-case-details-page> business component, see Customizing a Business Component for more information.




Name Type Description
case-ref String Case reference of the currently selected case instance.
current-state String Current state of the case instance.
work-list-data Object Work list for the selected case instance.
on-click-case-instance Function reference Defines the actions to be performed when the user selects a linked case.
side-bar String Relative pathname of the custom template file to use to display components in the sidebar.
nav-template String Relative pathname of the custom template file to use to display the Case menu provided in the sidebar.
main-content String Relative pathname of the custom template file to use to display components in the main pane.
template-path String (Optional) Relative pathname of a custom template file to use in place of the internal template

User Interaction

The <bpm-case-details-page> business component is called when the user clicks one of the available cases for a selected case type:

  • A right-hand sidebar provides additional case-specific information and functionality, using the following business components:

    Sidebar section... uses business component(s)... to display...
    Case Work items <bpm-linked-work-items> Any work items for the currently logged in user that are linked to this case.
    Linked Cases <bpm-linked-case-instances> Any other cases that are linked to this case.
    Case Documents <documents-view> List of documents for this case.
    Case Comments <bpm-comments> The case's comment history. You can also add further comments.
    Audit <bpm-case-event-view> The case's audit trail.
    Alternatively, you can toggle the right-hand sidebar to instead display a simple Case Menu. Selecting one of the menu items displays the appropriate information for the case in the main pane, as follows:
    Menu item... uses business component(s)... to display...
    Case Overview <bpm-case-states>, <bpm-case-actions>, <bpm-case-data> Case state, case actions and case data (read-only). You can select and perform a case action.
    Case Work items <bpm-linked-work-items> Any work items for the currently logged in user that are linked to this case.
    Linked Cases <bpm-linked-case-instances> Any other cases that are linked to this case. Clicking a linked case displays the case overview for that case.
    Case Documents <bpm-document-upload>,<documents-view> List of documents for this case. Selecting a particular document gives you further options to view, delete or download that document. You can also upload new documents to the case.
    Case Comments <bpm-comments> The case's comment history. You can also add further comments.
    Audit <bpm-case-event-view> The case's audit trail.


The <bpm-case-details-page> business component is used in the Case Management application when you click one of the available Cases for a selected Case Type.