Backing Up Workspace

If you are running the default Workspace application, and upgrading ActiveMatrix BPM, you may need to back up the Workspace configuration files prior to the upgrade.

When you upgrade ActiveMatrix BPM, the installer overwrites all of the existing configuration files for the default Workspace application on the runtime machine. Whether or not you need to back up these configuration files prior to upgrading ActiveMatrix BPM depends on how the default Workspace application was configured, as follows:

  • If you had made configuration changes to the default Workspace application using the Configuration Administrator, these changes are saved in the database. Consequently, you do NOT need to back up the Workspace configuration files prior to upgrading ActiveMatrix BPM. When you start the default Workspace application after upgrading, the configuration is read from the database.
  • If you had made configuration changes to the default Workspace application by directly modifying files on the runtime machine (for example, config.xml, userAccess.xml, and so on), you must back up those files prior to running the ActiveMatrix BPM installer. After completing the upgrade, replace the installed configuration files with the backed up configuration files.

    For information about the location of the Workspace configuration files, see the TIBCO Workspace Configuration and Customization guide.

Note: Upgrading ActiveMatrix BPM has NO impact on configuration files for custom WCC applications on your runtime machine. Therefore, you do not need to back up custom WCC application configuration files prior to upgrading ActiveMatrix BPM.

However, new releases of ActiveMatrix BPM are typically accompanied by a new release of TIBCO Business Studio. If you upgrade TIBCO Business Studio on a development machine, a post-upgrade task is to redeploy any custom WCC applications to the runtime machine so that the applications can make use of new features. For information about this, see the TIBCO Business Studio Installation guide.