Generating a Case Action From a Case Class


  • The BPM Developer project in which you want to save the generated case action must be open in the same Workspace.
  • The case class that you want to associate with this case action must contain a case state attribute that defines the required case states.
  • If you want to assign privileges to control the availability of the case action, the Organization project in which those privileges are defined must be open in the same Workspace.


  1. In the BOM Editor, right-click the case class from which you want to generate a case action, then select either:
    • Generate Case Action > To Update Case Data, to generate a process that displays a form showing the contents of the case object, then updates the case object with any changes when the form is submitted.
    • Generate Case Action > To View Case Data, to generate a process that displays a read-only form showing the contents of the case object.
  2. In the Generate Case Action dialog, select the appropriate existing process package.xpdl file (or select a process packages folder and enter the name of a new .xpdl file to create) in which you want to save the generated case action process, then click Finish.
    The generated process is displayed in the Process Editor.
  3. On the General tab of the Properties view for the process:
    1. (Optional) Select the specific case state (or states) which the case must be in for this case action to be available to a user at runtime.
      By default, the case action is always available, whatever case state the case is in.
    2. (Optional) Select the privilege (or privileges) that a user must hold to be able to use this case action.
  4. Modify the template process as required so that it performs the required action (or actions) when it is used.
  5. Save the process.