Configuration of Parameters

To configure a parameter, you need to define a few fields, such as Name, Label, Type, and so on.

Define the following fields:

  • Name
       This field is only seen if the Solution Design capability is enabled. The Rename button shows a rename dialog.
  • Label
      Business name of the parameter.
  • Mode In
      The value is treated as read-only.
  • Mode Out
      There is no value provided at form load, but the form may provide a value during submit.
  • Mode In/Out
      The value may be read and written.
  • Type
      One of the following:
    • Text
        Supporting single-line and multiple-line strings
    • Integer
         Supporting 32-bit integers
    • Decimal
        Supporting 64-bit double precision floating point numbers
    • Boolean
    • Date
         Supporting localized display
    • Time
        Supporting localized display
    • DateTime
        Supporting localized display. Precision to number of seconds.
  • Length
       Used only for Text, Integer and Decimal types
  • Decimal Places
       Used only for the Decimal type
  • Bindings
      Shows bindings and computation actions involving this parameter.