Replicating TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM File-Based Data
Copy files to the Disaster Recovery site.
Using your chosen file-based replication solution, replicate the contents of the following directories from the primary site to the DR site. The entire contents of each directory, including all child directories, must be replicated.
Directory Contents Replication requirements TIBCO_HOME TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM system software Replicate this directory whenever there has been a change to the deployed TIBCO runtime software. For example, when: CONFIG_HOME deployed application data (definitions and configurations) Replicate this directory whenever there has been a change to any deployed applications or their configuration. For example, when: - a change is made using ActiveMatrix Administrator (UI or CLI).
- an application is deployed or undeployed from TIBCO Business Studio.
Note: TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Transaction Manager state log files should not be replicated - see Transaction Manager Log Files.EMS_CONFIG_HOME configuration for TIBCO EMS Replicate this directory whenever there has been a change to the EMS application or its configuration. EMS_HOME TIBCO EMS software Optional: you can either install EMS on the DR site, or else replicate this directory. See Storing EMS Queues in the Oracle Database for further details. Replicate this directory when there has been a change to the EMS runtime software.
Note: TIBCO recommends the use of a real-time replication solution so that any update to either the TIBCO_HOME or CONFIG_HOME directory structure is automatically and immediately replicated. This removes any risk of administration changes performed on the primary site not being moved to the DR site within a suitable time.If you chose to use a scheduled (e.g. nightly) rather than real-time solution, you should:
- initiate on-demand replication as the result of any administrative changes made on the primary site during the working day
- be willing to accept the risk of changes made between scheduled replications not being present on the DR site, along with any potential system corruption risks in the event that the DR site needs to be activated.
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