Creating a Participant

Participants are used to identify who or what performs an activity.

See "Participants" in the TIBCO Business Studio Concepts Guide.


  1. In the Project Explorer, expand the package where you want to add a participant.
  2. Right-click Participants and select New > Participant. The New Participant dialog is displayed.
  3. Click the Back button if you need to change either the name of the Project and Package where the participant will be created. If you want to change either, click the Project or Package button.

    Participants can be created at either the package level or at the process level. Creating them at the package level is recommended as it enables them to be shared amongst processes. Select the Process checkbox and specify a process if you want to create the participant at the process level.

    Note: If the Participants folder is empty at the Process level, it will be hidden by default. This is because the preferred usage is to define Participants at the Package level.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Specify the Label and Name of the participant (either a basic type, or an external reference as described previously in this section) and click Finish.
    • To create a basic type, select Basic Type and choose from Role, Organization_Unit, Human, System and Organization Model Query, and click Finish.

      If you select the Organization Model Query button, you can then enter the Organization Model Query Script in Resource Query Language (RQL) using a script or expression in the General tab of the Properties view. This is evaluated when a referencing task is executed at run-time, so the actual participant is resolved and the activity dispatched and offered to the participant. A query could resolve to a participant in the package/process or to an entity in the organizational model.

    • To create an external reference to an organization model, select External Reference, and click the picker to select a type from the organization model.

      Choose a type from those shown in Matching Items, or key in the first few characters of the name you are looking for in the field under Select type(s)(? = any character, * = any string and choose from those shown. Click OK.

      The participant that you created appears in the Project Explorer.

      • You can import participants from other projects. At the process package level, right-click and select Import Participants Wizard. You can then select which project/s you wish to import participants from.
      • All external references to participants from within the same project must be to the same major version of the organization model. However, you can reference different minor or micro versions of the model. For example, if you have included a reference to a participant in version 1.0.0.qualifier of the organization model, and the model subsequently changes, you could reference a participant in version 1.1.0.qualifier, but not version 2.0.0.qualifier.