Web Service Implementation Properties

The following table describes the fields that appear on the Properties page when one of the following tasks or events is defined with a Service Type (or, for a message event, Implementation) of web service: message event (start, catch/throw intermediate or end), service task or send/receive task.

Property Description
Service Type Must be Web Service.
Operation This section defines the operation that is to be invoked or exposed by the task or event.


  • Select to choose an operation from a WSDL document that already exists in the current workspace.
  • Clear to clear all the currently selected fields in the Operation and Endpoint Resolution sections.
  • Import WSDL to import a WSDL document from an external source (a file, URL or service registry), then choose an operation from the imported WSDL document.
  • Generate WSDL to automatically create a WSDL document (abstract or concrete), an operation and the required data mappings from the data fields and types defined on the Interface tab.

    This option is only available on a service task.

  • Set Default to reset the task or event to use the default web service operation.

    This option is only available if the task or event is exposing a web service, and if the default WSDL document is not already selected.

Port Type The port type (set of operations) that contains the Operation Name operation, as defined by the name attribute of the portType definition in the WSDL document.

The portType definition is part of the abstract WSDL document.

Operation Name The operation that the process wishes to call or expose, as defined by the name attribute of the operation definition in the WSDL document.

The operation definition is part of the abstract WSDL document.

Port Name The port that defines the binding (protocol and data format) and network address used by the Service Name service, as defined by the name attribute of the port definition in the WSDL document.

The port definition is part of the concrete WSDL document. (It is therefore not shown for an operation selected from an abstract WSDL document.)

Service Name The service that contains the Port Name port, as defined by the name attribute of the service definition in the WSDL document.

The service definition is part of the concrete WSDL document. (It is therefore not shown for an operation selected from an abstract WSDL document.)

Transport The transport mechanism used by the Service Name service.

The available transport options are Service Virtualization, SOAP over HTTP, SOAP over JMS.

Endpoint Resolution This section defines how the location of the web service will be resolved at runtime.
WSDL Defines whether a local or remote WSDL will be used. For BPM, the Use remote option is automatically set when the WSDL document is selected.

The Use local option is not supported by BPM.

Location Defines the location of the WSDL document that defines the specified Operation.

The field displays the string "This is taken from the Alias URL at Run-time". This indicates that the soap:address location element specified in the WSDL file will not be used at runtime.

The runtime connection to the web service is defined by BPM.

Endpoint Name The name of the system participant that is used to either:
  • define the web service endpoint to be provided by the task or event, or
  • identify the web service endpoint to be called by the task or event.

See System Participant Shared Resource Properties for more information about the configuration of this system participant.

Security Profile This option is currently not used by BPM.

See Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) Documents for more information about the content and structure of WSDL documents.