Creating Shared Resources to Publish BPM Audit (SSL Enabled)

You can create shared resources on TIBCO Administrator and use them to publish BPM audit data to a secure destination.

This is achieved by
  • creating shared resource templates on TIBCO Administrator for the following:
    • Keystore provider
    • SSL client provider
    • JNDI connection configuration
    • JMS connection factory
    • JMS destinations
  • On TIBCO Enterprise Message Service (EMS):

    • The EMS server must be configured in SSL mode.
    • The client and server keystores must be created.
    • The required topics and queues must be created.
    • The JNDI Names for the connection factories, queues and topics must be created.


  1. Keystores can be created on the EMS server using the Java KeyTool. To create a keystore on the EMS server:
    1. Generate EMS Server PKCS12 Keystore. For example,
      keytool.exe -genkeypair -keystore test.p12 -storetype pkcs12 -alias test -keysize 2048 -keyalg RSA -sigalg sha1withrsa -validity 3650
    2. Extract a client certificate from the generated keystore. For example,
      keytool -exportcert -storetype pkcs12 -keystore test.p12 -file test_client.cer
    3. Bundle the certificate in a JKS keystore container. For example,
      keytool -importcert -file test_client.cer -keystore client.jks
  2. Create the queues, topics and JNDI names using tbemsadmin. For example,
    connect ssl://localhost:7243
    1. Create a topic. For example,
      create topic ECSSLTopic
      create jndiname ECSSLTopicJNDI topic ECSSLTopic
    2. Create a queue. For example,
      create queue ECSSLQueue
      create jndiname ECSSLQueueJNDI queue ECSSLQueue
  3. In TIBCO Administrator, add a resource template of type Keystore Provider. The resource template name must be prefixed with "ec." For example,
  4. Add a resource template of type SSL Client Provider.
    The resource template name must be prefixed with ec/publication. The Keystore Provider should point to the one you created Step 2.
  5. Add a resource template of type JNDI Connection Configuration. The resource template name must be prefixed with ec/publication. For example,
    • The JNDI Provider URL should be the URL of the TIBCO EMS server (configured in SSL Mode).
    • Click the SSL tab and select Yes for SSL Enable.
    • The SSL Client Provider should point to the SSL Client Provider you created in Step 4.

  6. Add a resource template of type JMS Connection Factory. The resource template name must be prefixed with ec/publication. For example,
    • The connection factory in the file should point to the name of the shared resource without the ec/ prefix. In this example, publication/sslConnectionFactory.
    • Click the SSL tab and select Yes for SSL Enable.
    • The SSL Client Provider should point to the SSL Client Provider you created in Step 4.
    • The JNDI connection configuration should point to the one you created in Step 4.
  7. Add a resource template of type JMS Destination . The resource template name must be prefixed with ec/publication. For example,
    • The destination JNDI Name must match the JNDI name for the destination in Step 2.
    • The JNDI connection configuration should point to the one created in Step 4.
  8. Add a resource template of type JMS Destination . The resource template name must be prefixed with ec/publication. For example,
    • The destination JNDI Name must match the JNDI name for the destination inStep 2.
    • The JNDI connection configuration should point to the one you created in Step 6.
  9. Add the new destination to file. For example,
    See Publishing BPM Audit Data Using an Administrator Shared Resource for more information about this file.
  10. Enable event publication in the file. For example,
  11. Configure theec-event-rules.xml file. For example,
    Each target can have a qualifier.The qualifiers must match the names of the shared resources for the JMS Destinations (without the "ec/" prefix). in this example, as created in Step 7 and Step 9. If you exclude the qualifier, the rules you configure will apply to all destinations.