Backing Up Openspace Customizations

If you are upgrading an existing ActiveMatrix BPM system, you should back up any TIBCO Openspace customizations that you have made.


  1. Back up any Openspace configuration files that you have changed under the following location:


    See TIBCO Openspace Customization Guide for more information.

    After completing the upgrade, you will need to replace the installed configuration files with the backed up configuration files.

    Note: The location of the Openspace resources folder changed in ActiveMatrix BPM version 2.2 to:


  2. If you have changed the configuration of the Standard persona (themes, layouts, tabs and/or gadgets), make a note of the changes. The upgrade process resets the Standard persona configuration to be the same as the Default persona. You will therefore need to re-apply your changes to the Standard persona after completing the upgrade.