Uninstalling an ActiveMatrix BPM System

To uninstall an ActiveMatrix BPM system, stop the TIBCO processes, run the TIBCO Universal Uninstaller, and delete ActiveMatrix BPM directories.


  1. Stop the TIBCO Host instance, node processes, and TIBCO Business Studio.
  2. Log in to the system from which you want to uninstall software.
    • On Windows, log in as a user with Administrator privileges. You must have Administrator privileges to uninstall this software.
    • On UNIX/Linux, you should uninstall as the same user who did the installation. If more than one product installation has been made to the same environment and you want to uninstall them all, you should uninstall using the root user.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • On Windows, go to Start > All Programs > TIBCO > env_name and click on Uninstall. Alternately, you can navigate to the installation_environment\tools\universal_installer folder and run TIBCOUniversalInstaller.exe.
    • On UNIX/Linux, navigate to the installation_environment/tools/universal_installer directory and run ./TIBCOUniversalInstaller-platform_id.extension.
    Note: You can choose to uninstall the product in either GUI or console mode. Uninstalling the product in silent mode is not supported.
  4. At the TIBCO Installation Manager screen, choose the option Uninstall Products from Selected TIBCO Home Location and then choose the location of TIBCO Home from the drop-down. Click Next.
  5. When the TIBCO Universal Uninstaller is launched and the Welcome screen is displayed, click Next.
  6. Select either Custom Uninstall (to select the products in this environment to be uninstalled) or Typical Uninstall (to uninstall all products in this environment).
    • If you select Typical Uninstall, continue with Step 8.
    • If you select Custom Uninstall, continue with the next step.
  7. At the Product Uninstall Selection screen, select the products (for example, TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Version) you want to uninstall and click Next.
  8. At the Pre-Uninstall Summary screen, if you want to change any of your choices, click Back to step back through the screens to the appropriate point. You can then restart the uninstallation process from that point.
  9. When you are satisfied with your choices, click Uninstall.
    The uninstaller removes the software product you specified.
  10. The Running ANT Tasks screen is displayed while the selected components are uninstalled. When asked about the cleanup of the /tools directory, click Yes, clean it up.
  11. At the Post Uninstall Summary screen, review the information and then click Finish.
    The uninstaller exits and cleans up any temporary files.
    Note: On Windows, the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM entries in the Start menus may remain after the uninstallation. To correct this, log out, then log in again.

    On UNIX/Linux, if an error message similar to the following is displayed after uninstallation, log out and log in again for the uninstaller changes to take effect:

    The wizard requires that you logout and log back in

  12. Manually delete the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM directories under TIBCO_HOME.
  13. Manually delete the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM directories under CONFIG_HOME.
  14. If the ActiveMatrix BPM database is using Oracle, and there are no other ActiveMatrix BPM instances using the database, do as follows:
    1. Delete the database server user account that ActiveMatrix BPM uses to connect to the database. By default, the account name is bpmuser.
    2. Delete the tablespaces that contain that user's objects. By default, this means the files bpm_tablespace and bpm_tablespace_temp.
  15. If you registered the TIBCO Host instance as a Windows service when you created or upgraded the ActiveMatrix BPM instance, delete the service using Windows Control Panel.