Embedded Form Parameters

Once a form is embedded within a parent form, the embedded form parameters can be accessed only via the parent form. An embedded form exposes an interface that consists of its parameters.

The panes and controls in an embedded form are generally bound or otherwise mapped to its parameters. These parameters in the embedded form are in turn mapped to parameters, data fields, controls, or panes in the parent form.

For example: we have an embeddable form which contains a single pane that is bound to a parameter of particular type defined as a BOM class. This form is embedded in a parent form. You bind an embedded form parameter to one of the parent form’s IN OUT parameters of the same type. When the parent form is loaded with an instance of that parameter, the embedded form is updated via the binding. This is one of the mechanisms by which information is exchanged between the parent form and the embedded form

There are many ways in which data can be exchanged between the parent and the embedded forms:

  • Using absolute bindings from parent form panes or parameters
  • Using computation actions
  • Using the API in script actions

For details of how to set bindings and actions, see Setting Bindings and Setting Actions.

Accessing Embedded Form Parameters

You can access the embedded form parameters using action scripts and computation actions.

The parameters of the embedded form appear as Data Fields in the deployed copy of the parent form. The names of these parameters are scoped by the name of the embedded form.



For example, data.getCustomerForm_Customer();