Keys for Built-in Validation Messages

This section lists the resource keys for built-in validation messages.

Built-in Validation Message Keys
Resource Key Reference Value Description
form_validation_​error_message Error in script for validation {0} of Control {1} ({2})\: {3} Used to display a message for a script error while running a validation. {0} is the name of the validation. {1} is the name of the control. {2} and {3} are debugging messages.
form_action_error_message Error in script for action {0} ({1})\: {2} Used to display a message for a script error while running an action. {0} is the name of the action. {1} and {2} are debugging messages.
form_required_message {0} is a required field. Used to display a message when a required value is missing. {0} is the label of the control.
record_pane_error_label There are errors on record(s) {0}. Mobile Forms: Used to display a message for errors on multiple records. {0} is a comma separated list of numbers.
nested_pane_error_label There are errors on this screen. Mobile Forms: Used to display a message for validation failures on one or more components on the current pane.