
Unlinks a document from a case, which removes the document from the case folder.

  • The request identifies the document to unlink and the case from whose folder it is to be unlinked.
  • The response returns empty if the unlink is successful.
Note: The unlinkDocument operation cannot be used if you are using Microsoft Sharepoint 2013 as your content management system (CMS). This is because Sharepoint 2013 does not support multi-filing capability.
Note that there are two REST variants of unlinkDocument:
  • PUT with path parameters - In this request, the document reference and case reference are included as path parameters. Note, however, some CMIS servers use characters in document and case references that need escaping when included in URLs. If this is an issue, you can URL-encode the document or case reference, or you can use the alternative PUT method with a request body. (Notice that the command for this variant is actually "unlinkcase" rather than "unlinkdocument".)
  • PUT with a request body - In this request, the document reference and case reference are embedded in the request body.
Required System Action
API Descriptions