Configuring the Location of the Help Files

Selecting Help in TIBCO Openspace displays the Openspace help files that are located on the TIBCO Product Documentation site. If your users have internet access, no further configuration is required. However, if your users do not have internet access, you can configure Openspace to use a different location for the Openspace help.

To do this, you must download the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Help located on the TIBCO Documentation site to your system and host the help on another site.

Note: If you download and store the Openspace documentation, you may not be aware of changes that are made to those documents on the TIBCO Documentation web site. Occasionally, out-of-cycle (OOC) updates are published for some documents, which means that they are updated between software releases. To be notified when OOC updates occur, you can subscribe to RSS feeds by using the Subscribe button on the "TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM" page of the TIBCO Documentation web site.

Note, however, you cannot subscribe to RSS feeds for only the Openspace documentation; this notifies you of changes to any TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM documentation.


  1. Download the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM documentation from the TIBCO Documentation web site.
    You cannot download just the Openspace documentation; it is bundled with all of the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM documentation.
    1. Open a browser and go to the following URL:

      This URL always takes you to the documentation for the most recently released version of TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM. If you want the documentation for an earlier version, click the appropriate tab on the page.

    2. Click Download All.
      This downloads both the HTML and PDF documentation.
  2. Unzip the file that you downloaded and host the HTML files on an internal web server.

    The HTML help is located in the bpmhelp folder; the HTML help is accessed using index.html.

  3. Open the TIBCO Openspace file in a text editor.
    For information about the location of the files for both TIBCO Openspace and Accessible Openspace, see Openspace Configuration Overview.
  4. Specify the new URL for the Openspace help files in the help.context property.
    This must be the full URL to the help files, for example:


  5. Save and close the file.
  6. Repeat steps 3-5 for Accessible Openspace.
  7. Log out and log back into TIBCO Openspace for the changes to take effect.
    If your changes do not take effect, you may also need to clear the browser cache.