SOAP API - addWorkingDayExceptions

The table summarizes the SOAP API - addWorkingDayExceptions.

Request Uses the addWorkingDayExceptions element (from the CalendarService schema)
Parameter notes
  • guid: the ID of the calendar for which exception information is being entered. The only supported value is SYSTEM.
  • add-exceptions: a list of the exceptions being added. Each one includes:
    • description: a string giving a free-text description of the exception, such as "Annual leave" or "Public holiday".
    • all-day: (optional) whether the exception takes up the whole of normal working hours on the day (or days) specified. Defaults to "false". This is given for information only, and is not validated against the start and end times given.
    • start and end: dates and times for the start or end of the exception. All times are taken as UTC.
    • free-busy: whether the exception is available working time (FREE) or is time unavailable for working (BUSY). The only supported value is BUSY.
Response Returns an addWorkingDayExceptionsResponse element (from the CalendarService schema). This contains a list of IDs of the exceptions that have been added.
Example Request:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:cal="">
      <cal:addWorkingDayExceptions guid="SYSTEM">
         <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
         <add-exceptions description="Public Holiday" all-day="true" start="2011-12-26T00:00:00" end="2011-12-26T23:59:59" free-busy="BUSY"/>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
      <addWorkingDayExceptionsResponse xmlns="">
         <add-exceptions xmlns="">A25D05C7-E656-400C-A84F-F8DF41FE73DF</add-exceptions>