REST API - createProcessInstance

The table summarizes the REST API - createProcessInstance.


POST <baseurl>/process/create/<module>/<process>/<version>/<operation>
Path parameters
  • module: Name of the module to which the process template belongs.
  • process: Name of the process template for which an instance is being created.
  • version: OSGi-style version number of the process template. (This version number is the same as that of the module.)

    The parameters listed above can be obtained from listProcessTemplates , queryProcessTemplates , and queryProcessTemplatesAlt .

  • operation: Name of the starter operation used to create the process instance. This must be a start event with a trigger type of "None". Can be obtained from listStarterOperations .
Query parameters
  • name=string (0..n): The name of a "start parameter" (also known as "formal parameters"), which is used to pass data into the process instance being started. These can be obtained from getStarterOperationInfo .
  • value=string (0..n): The value of the start parameter.


JSON Returns a JSON representation of the content of the processID element.
XML Returns the content of the processID element (from the ProcessManagement schema).


POST <baseurl>/process/create/HelpDesk%2FProcess%20Packages%2FHelpDesk.xpdl/InternalHelpDeskA/