
The <bpm-case-event-view> business component displays the audit trail for a specified case.

The component's internal controller invokes the CaseEventViewService.getSearchCaseReport operation to provide the audit data from the CaseEventViewModel.eventDataList object. The data is displayed using an accordion control, which can have optional sort controls.

If you want to customize the contents of the <bpm-case-event-view> business component, see Customizing a Business Component for more information.


   case-reference="string" | event-data-list="array"


Name Type Description
case-reference String Case reference for which the audit trail should be displayed.
event-data-list Array A previously populated CaseEventViewModel.eventDataList object containing the audit trail data to be displayed.
Note: The getSearchCaseReport operation is not invoked when you use this attribute.
show-controls Boolean Defines whether the Sort events control is displayed (true) or hidden (false). The default option is false.
just-open-one-item Boolean Defines whether expanding an event item in the accordion causes an already open event item to close (true) or not (false). The default option is false.
default-open-index Number Index number of the event item in the accordion to open by default.
template-path String (Optional) Relative pathname of a custom template file to use in place of the internal template
Note: case-reference and event-data-list are mutually exclusive.


The <bpm-case-event-view> business component is used in the Case Management application when you click Case Events on the Case Menu for a case.