Refreshing Information in a List

The work item and process instance lists contain a snapshot of the information in the list when the list was displayed.

For example, if you click on a work view to display a list of work items, the list contains all of the work items (possibly filtered) at the moment the list was displayed. It is not automatically updated to provide the latest items. You must “refresh” the list to get the latest information from the server.

Refresh a list by clicking the Refresh button in the window containing the list, or by selecting Refresh... from the View menu.

The Refresh button is always the right-most button on lists that can be refreshed.

Note that refreshing the list causes Workspace to ask the server to re-send the information in the list. This can take some time, depending on the number of items in the list, the speed of your computer, etc.

If you are working with a work item list, you can also specify that the list automatically refresh at specified intervals. For information see, Auto-Refresh of Work Item Lists.