
The GlobaldataService includes functions to create, read, update and delete case data. You can also perform searches on case data based on specific criteria.

The table below lists the functions available from the GlobaldataService.

Function Description Returns
createCase Creates new case data for a given case class in the case data store.

The request contains the case type, model version and the case data to be created.

The response lists the case references of the newly created case data.

Required system action: createGlobalData

createDataView Used to specify a search query to be stored as a data view that can be retrieved later using the getCaseReferencesForDataViewByID function (see below).

The request specifies the search query to be used in the data view. It identifies the case class and the search condition.

The response returns the data view ID.

Required system action: manageDataViews

deleteCaseByCID Deletes existing case data from the case data store for a given case identifier (CID), for example, a customer ID.

A case identifier is a special type of attribute that can be used to uniquely identify a case class. A case class must have at least one case identifier and may have many, depending on the nature of the case data. Case identifiers are specified at design-time when modeling your case data in TIBCO Business Studio.

The request must contain the case identifier for the case class. It also specifies the case type, case model version, and the case data to be deleted. You can specify more than one case data to be deleted.

Required system action: deleteGlobalData

Empty response (no JSON payload)





Deletes existing case data for a given case reference from the case data store.

A case object is accessed by reference. Whenever a case object is created, a unique case reference is also created. Providing the case reference, provides access to the case data object.

The request contains the case references of the case data to be deleted. You can specify more than one case reference. You can obtain case references using findAllCases (see below).

Required system action: deleteGlobalData

Empty response (no JSON payload)
deleteDataViewByID Deletes a previously saved data view using the view ID.

The request contains the data view to delete by specifying a data view ID.

Required system action: manageDataViews

Empty response (no JSON payload)
deleteDataViewByName Deletes a previously saved data view using the view name.

The request contains the data view to delete by specifying a data view name.

Required system action: manageDataViews

Empty response (no JSON payload)
editDataView Edits a previously saved data view.

The request contains a data view ID or name of the data view to edit, as well as the changes to make to the data view.

Required system action: manageDataViews

Empty response (no JSON payload)
findAllCases Finds all of the case references for a given case class. A case object is accessed by reference. Whenever a case object is created, a unique case reference is also created. Providing the case reference, provides access to the case data object.

Required system action: readGlobalData

findCaseByCID Finds the case reference of the case data using a case identifier (CID), for example, a customer ID.

A case identifier is a special type of attribute that can be used to uniquely identify a case class. A case class must have at least one case identifier and may have many, depending on the nature of the case data. Case identifiers are specified at design-time when modeling your case data in TIBCO Business Studio.

The request contains the case type, case model version, and the case identifier of the case data to be found. Your request must contain only one case identifier, unless you have set any CIDs to Composite. In this case, you must include all of the CIDs set as Composite in the request.

The response lists the case references of the case data for the specified case identifier.

Required system action: readGlobalData

findCaseByCriteria Finds case data that matches specified criteria. For the valid syntax of the criteria, see the TIBCO Business Data Services Guide.

The request contains the case type (the fully qualified name of the case class, for example, com.example.gddemo.Car), case model version and the criteria the case data must match.

The response lists the case references of the case data that matches the criteria.

Required system action: readGlobalData

findCaseByExample Finds the case references of case data using a searchable case attribute. Searchable attributes can be used to find case data that match specified attribute values. Case attributes are specified as searchable at design-time when modeling your case data in TIBCO Business Studio.

Required system action: readGlobalData

getCaseReferencesForDataViewByAdhocView Returns the case references that match the specified case data search query.

You can use this function to provide ad-hoc searches of all case data or to search data views that have been created and stored previously. The search query enables you to specify sophisticated search conditions based on a search schema.

Required system action: readGlobalData




Returns the case references that match the specified data view ID.

Required system action: readGlobalData




Returns the case references that match the specified data view name.

Required system action: readGlobalData

getCaseState Returns the state of one or more specified cases. You can also specify that all allowable case state values be returned.

Required system action: readGlobalData




Returns a summary of a case object, including information such as the case identifier and state.

Required system action: readGlobalData

getDataViewCategories Returns the data view categories that are defined.

The request specifies whether to list all of the categories or the categories at a specific level in the hierarchy.

Required system action: readGlobalData

getDataViewDetailsByApp Retrieves the data view for the specified application, for example, com.example.gddemo-2.

Required system action: readGlobalData

getDataViewDetailsByCaseClass Retrieves the data view for the specified case class.

You must pass the fully qualified name of the case class, for example, com.example.gddemo.Car. You can obtain class names by using getCaseClassInfo.

Required system action: readGlobalData

getDataViewDetailsByCategory Retrieves the data view for the specified category.

Required system action: readGlobalData

getDataViewDetailsByID Retrieves the data view for the specified view ID.

Required system action: readGlobalData

getDataViewDetailsByName Retrieves the data view for the specified view name.
The following wildcards can be used to search for data views by name:
  • '?' or '_' matches any single character.
  • '*' or '%' matches zero or more characters.

Wildcards can be escaped using the "\" character. For example, "\%". Escape characters can be escaped using "\\" which evaluates to matching "\".

Required system action: readGlobalData

getDataViewDetailsByUncategorized Returns all the data views that have been created using the API without specifying a category.

If you create a data view in the Openspace or Workspace client without specifying a category, they are placed in a category called UNCATEGORIZED. This function does not return any data views created without a category in Openspace or Workspace.

Required system action: readGlobalData




Creates an association between case data. This is necessary when navigating between case data. For example, in an insurance company, you may want to link a customer's case reference number with their orders.

You can then use either the navigateCase or the navigateCaseByCriteria function (see below) to search for orders belonging to that particular customer.

The request identifies the case reference of the case data to associate and the name of the association.

The response returns a new case reference for the association. The case reference is incremented by one. For example, if you have BDS-2-com.example.gddemo.Customer-1-0, and you link it with some case data, the new case reference would be BDS-2-com.example.gddemo.Customer-1-1.

Required system action: updateGlobalData

navigateCase Used to perform searches on case data that have been associated using the linkCase function (see above).

For example, in an insurance company, you may want to link a customer's case reference number with their claims. You can use this function to search for claims belonging to that particular customer. You can use the navigateCaseByCriteria function (see below) to perform more sophisticated search queries. For example, you could search for all claims for the customer where the quantity was greater than 100.

The request identifies the case reference of the source case data and the name of the association that was specified when the association was created using the linkCase function (see above).

The response returns the case references of the case data that matches the search.

Required system action: readGlobalData

navigateCaseByCriteria Used to perform searches, using the specified criteria, on case data that have been associated using the linkCase function (see above).

The request identifies the case reference of the source case data and the name of the association that was specified when the association was created using the linkCase function (see above).

The response returns the case references of the case data that matches the search criteria.

Required system action: readGlobalData




Used to perform searches on case data that have been associated using the linkCase function (see above). This function differs from navigateCase (see above), as this function navigates association links from the given source object for all roles, or a specific role, with the ability to include case summary in the response.

Required system action: readGlobalData






Reads existing case data from the case data store.

The request contains the case reference to the case data object you want to read. Whenever a case object is created, a unique case reference is also created. Providing the case reference, provides access to the case data object, for example, BDS-2-com.example.gddemo.Customer-1-0. You can specify more than one. You can obtain case references using the findAllCases, findCaseByCID, findCaseByCriteria, and findCaseByExample functions (see above).

Required system action: readGlobalData




Removes an existing association between case data.

The request identifies the case references of the case data whose association you want to remove.

The response returns a case reference for the association. The new case reference version is incremented by one. For example, if you have BDS-2-com.example.gddemo.Customer-1-2, and you unlink it from some case data, the new case reference would be BDS-2-com.example.gddemo.Customer-1-3.

Required system action: updateGlobalData




Updates existing case data in the case data store.

The request contains the pairs of case references and case data to be updated. It is important that the case reference used is the case reference returned by the readCase function (see above), so that the optimistic locking works correctly. You can update as many case data as you want.

The response lists the new case reference of the updated case data. The case reference version is incremented by one. For example, for BDS-2-com.example.gddemo.Customer-1-0, the new case reference would be BDS-2-com.example.gddemo.Customer-1-1.

Required system action: updateGlobalData
