Defining One or More Secondary LDAP Sources

Each LDAP container that you define using the Organization Browser must include one primary LDAP source. It can also include one or more secondary LDAP sources.

If there are secondary LDAP sources defined, they will be used to find additional information about each potential resource from the primary LDAP source. Lookups are performed into each secondary LDAP source. If an exact match of a potential resource can be found in every secondary LDAP source, the data from all sources is merged together. In other cases the potential resource may be omitted or labeled invalid. It determines that based on attribute relationships you specify when adding a secondary LDAP source to your container.

The following are reasons you might want to define a secondary LDAP source:

  • The business process needs to access attribute data that is in both the primary and secondary LDAP sources.
  • the business process needs to access attribute data from an LDAP source that is not used for login authentication (the primary LDAP source is always used for authentication).