BOM Class Attribute and Variable Names

It is recommended that BOM class names begin with an uppercase letter and that variable and attribute names begin with a lowercase letter so that they can easily be distinguished. This is the convention used by Java, and what is done by the label to name mapping if Labels contain words with initial capital letters.

In order to read variable names that are made up of several words, it is recommended that you use "camelcase", where the initial letter of every word (apart from the initial word in a data field or attribute name) is capitalized. A data field holding a customer account should be written customerAccount. Similarly you can have data fields called headOfficeName. This naming convention is used in the factory methods, so if there is a CustomerAccount class, then there will be a createCustomerAccount() method in the factory. If you enter Labels with initial capitals for each word then this will be achieved. Therefore, a label written as "Customer Account" will be converted to a class name of CustomerAccount, or an attribute name of customerAccount. If the label is written as "Customer account", the class name and attribute name will be Customeraccount and customeraccount, both of which are not so readable.

If you use certain reserved keywords for BOM attribute names and assign them a value using javascript, at runtime you get a scripting error while evaluating the javascript expression. Avoid using the following names for BOM attributes if you intend using such attributes in scripting:
  • - notify
  • - equals
  • - wait
  • - finalize
  • - hashCode
  • - toString