XSD Constructs

A number of XSD constructs are not supported by the BPM runtime. A process that will be deployed to the BPM runtime cannot use a WSDL that contains or references one of these constructs. An attempt to import a WSDL containing one of these constructs into TIBCO Business Studio may fail or display validation errors, depending on the particular construct used and the context in which it is used.

Note: WSDL documents and XSD schema files, when used in TIBCO Business Studio, are mapped to and from business object models. For example:
  • You can create a business object model and then export it as a WSDL document.
  • When you import a WSDL document into the Service Descriptors folder, a corresponding business object model is automatically created in the Generated Business Objects folder.

    For more detailed information about how WSDL documents and XSD schema files are mapped to and from business object models, and how particular XSD and WSDL constructs are represented in a business object model, see the TIBCO Business Studio Modeling User’s Guide.

Unsupported Elements

  • xsd:key
  • xsd:keyref
  • xsd:list
  • xsd:redefine
  • xsd:unique

Unsupported Built-in Datatypes

  • xsd:NOTATION