Creating a Dynamic Organization Participant

The Organization Units and Positions within a Dynamic Organization may be assigned to Process Participants - known as Dynamic Organization Participants.

See "Dynamic Organization Participants" in the TIBCO Business Studio Concepts Guide


  1. In the Project Explorer, expand the package where you want to add a participant.
  2. Right-click Participants and select New > Participant. The New Participant dialog is displayed.
  3. Specify the Label and Name of the participant.
  4. To create an external reference to a dynamic organization model, select External Reference, and click the picker to select a type from the dynamic organization model. Choose a type from those shown in Matching Items, or key in the first few characters of the name you are looking for in the field under Select type(s)(? = any character, * = any string and choose from those shown. Click OK.The dynamic organization participant that you created appears in the Project Explorer.
  5. Click Finish

What to do next

When a Dynamic Organization Participant is assigned to a task you need to provide information to identify the correct instance of the Dynamic Organization to use to resolve this participant. See Dynamic Organization Identifier Mapping to identify the correct instance of the Dynamic Organization in which the participant will be found at runtime.