Purging Deleted Users

After users are deleted from ActiveMatrix BPM, you can also purge them from the deleted users list. This provides a method of managing the size of the Deleted Users list so that it doesn't become too large over time.

Once the owner has been replaced on all process instances associated with a given deleted user, there is no need to retain that user in this list as there are no further actions that can be performed here on that deleted user. After being purged, the user is still a candidate resource, and can be created again (assuming the user is still in the LDAP source).

Therefore, this function is only for the purpose of managing the size of the deleted users list.

To purge deleted users, you must have system action, deleteResourceAdmin.


If you are purging a single deleted user, all outstanding process instances for which the deleted user is a principle must be reassigned (see Reassigning Process Instances that are Assigned to Deleted Users) before you can purge the deleted user.
Warning: If you select multiple deleted users, and one or more of those users have outstanding process instances, you can continue with the purge operation. This can result in failed process instances, so purge multiple deleted users with caution.


  1. Display the list of deleted users as described in Viewing Deleted Users.
  2. Select one or more deleted users.
  3. Click the Actions link, then select Purge Deleted User(s).
    If multiple deleted users are selected, a warning about possibly purging users with outstanding process instances, as described above, is displayed.


After being purged, the user is immediately removed from the list of deleted users.