simpleHubIframe Sample

This custom interface sample illustrates how to load a web application into a Managed Hub Iframe. The web application then subscribes to events published by WCC components.

To implement this sample, you must create a web application named 'HubIframeSample' using the contents of the HubIframeSample folder provided with the sample, then host that application on a server (the server does not have to be in ActiveMatrix or ActiveMatrix BPM).

The sample causes a toolbar button to display on the Workspace application work view list. This button launches the web application in a Managed Hub Iframe. The web application displays a list of events received when items are selected in the work view, process view, or event view lists.

The elements and attribute values needed to implement this sample are provided in the readme.txt file in the following directory:


You can modify the provided elements and attribute values to fit your particular requirements.