
This method starts a business service that has formal parameters.

This method has two signatures: one to start a single business service, and one to start multiple business services.




  • processName - (String) The business service process name.
  • moduleName - (String) The module name of the business service.
  • version - (String) The version of the business service.
  • dataFeed - (String) Data used to start the Business Service, in JSON format. An example of a JSON-formatted data feed is:
    ‘{ "items":[{"$param":"myText", "mode":"INOUT", "type":"STRING", "$value":"abc"}, {"$param":"myInt", "mode":"INOUT", "type":"NUMBER", "$value":"123"}]}’
  • description - (String) (optional) A description that is displayed on the form caption bar.
  • parent - (Object) (optional) Identifies the General Interface component where the business service form is to be loaded. If omitted, it is loaded in a dialog. Note that this parameter is ignored if more that one business service is passed in the method call.
  • businessServices - (Array<Objects>) These identify the business services to be started. Each Object in the array must have the following properties, identifying an existing business service (see above for definitions):
    • processName - (String)
    • moduleName - (String)
    • version - (String)
    • dataFeed - (String)
    • description - (String) (optional)

