Event Measures

The EventCollectorMeasuresService is one of the Event Collection Services provided by Process Manager. This API provides a means of accessing statistical data for both processes and work items.

The EventCollectorMeasuresService provides the following web service operations (SOAP) / Service Connector methods (Java):

  • requestProcessDurationMeasure - This operation returns both counts and time measures for a given process. For example, it returns the total number of work items generated by a given process, within the specified time period. It also returns time measures, such as the amount of time a given process was active during the specified time period.

    For more detailed information about this operation, see requestProcessDurationMeasure.

  • requestProcessTemplateMeasure - This operation returns the number of process instances, for the given process template, whose state changed to each of the available states (Started, Completed, etc.), during the specified time period.

    For more detailed information about this operation, see requestProcessTemplateMeasure.

  • requestWorkItemPerformanceForTemplate - This operation returns the number of work items, generated by the given process, whose state changed to each of the available states (Offered, Allocated, etc.), during the specified time period.

    For more detailed information about this operation, see requestWorkItemPerformanceForTemplate.

See also: Event Collection Services