
Edit an existing work view. A work view must be locked using the GetWorkViewDetails operation before running the EditWorkListView operation.

  • The request must specify the name and the unique entity ID of the work view to be edited. It can also optionally specify the details of the work view that you want to edit. For example, its description, any sort/filter criteria or the organizational model entities that can access the work view. If any of the optional elements are specified, they overwrite the existing attributes specified for this view.
    Note: You only need to pass the data you want to change. Parameters that are not passed are unchanged.
  • The response contains the unique entity ID of the edited work view.
Action EditWorkListView
Parameter Notes
  • Name: the name of the work view.
  • Description (Optional): description of the work view.
  • Owner (Optional): The resourceID of the owner of this work view. You can get the resourceID from a lookupUser operation. If omitted, the ID of the resource calling the EditWorkListView API is used.
  • Public (Optional): whether the work view can be viewed by all TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM users. If true then it is public.
  • entityID (Optional): the GUID of the organizational entity whose work list you want to retrieve.
    Note: If the entity has been previously set it cannot be cleared but it can be changed. This means if you create a view as tibco-admin, you cannot change the view back to a view of your own work list as you would have to set the entity to an empty string.
  • orderFilterCriteria (Optional): Specification of sort/filter criteria to be applied to the work item list. See TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Developer’s Guide for more information about order and filter syntax.
  • authors (Optional): Array of XmlModelEntityId objects for entities (GROUPS, POSITIONS, ORGUNITS and RESOURCES) who are allowed to edit the view.
  • users (Optional): Array of XmlModelEntityId objects for resources who are allowed to use the view.
  • customData (Optional): A string attribute used to provide any custom data to be to stored with the work list view. can be used to store any data that you want to associate with your work list view. For example, if you are using a custom client, you may want to specify which work item columns to display when using this work list view. If storing XML data, the value should be wrapped in a CDATA section.
    Note: If you are using the API with TIBCO Openspace you must not use the customData parameter. This is because TIBCO Openspace uses customData to store any of its data that is associated with the work list view. For example, the work item columns to display.
Return WorkListIDResult

Required System Action
