Configuring TIBCO ActiveMatrix Calendar Properties

This section describes the configuration tasks that you can carry out by modifying the default values in the file.

Apart from Common Properties, this file contains several properties used by the Date and Calendar (DAC) component of TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM.

Cache SIzes

The defaultCacheSize property defines the default size of all ID sequence caches. Most users will not need to alter this property, but it may be useful for fine tuning of system performance. See the section about sequence caching in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Performance Tuning Guide for the general effect of the size of ID sequence caches on system performance. If omitted, it defaults to 50, as follows:


Comparing DateTimes

The datetimeTolerance property defines the tolerance allowed when comparing two DateTime values. The following values are permitted (any other value will be treated as 0):

0 = Use millisecond accuracy.

1 = Use second accuracy. Milliseconds will be ignored.

2 = Use minute accuracy. Seconds and milliseconds will be ignored.

3 = Use hour accuracy. Minutes, seconds and milliseconds will be ignored.

The default is to compare to an accuracy of milliseconds, as follows:


Calculating Deadlines

The calendarLookAhead property affects the way the system behaves when calculating a deadline using the calcDeadline operation, either directly or via a Constant Period on a timer event in TIBCO Business Studio. See:

  • "calcDeadline" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM - BPM Developer’s Guide.
  • "Timer Event Scripts" in TIBCO Business Studio BPM Implementation.
  • "Configuring Timer Event Scripts" in TIBCO Business Studio Modeling User’s Guide.

The calculation algorithm must look ahead in the calendar for entries that are applicable to the calculation. The value of this property specifies how far ahead the algorithm should by default look, to prevent lengthy calculations. The value is expressed as an XML schema Duration string. See "Value Spaces for BOM Native Types" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Business Data Services guide for the format of the Duration type. The property defaults to a value of one month:


To calculate a deadline, the calculator determines how far to look ahead by taking the given duration of the task and adding the calendarLookAhead period. For example, if calendarLookAhead is set to the default one month and the duration in the calcDeadline request is P1Y, it will look for a completion within one year and one month.

If the calculation shows that there is not enough working time available to complete the task in the period defined by duration plus calendarLookAhead, the error "No working-time available within the calculation period" is returned.

SQL Clause SIze

The SqlInClauseLimit property defines the maximum number of elements used within an SQL "in" clause. You may need to change this value if your database will not support such a large value. The default is as follows:
