Configuring and Customizing a Non-Deployed Application

This topic describes how to configure and customize a non-deployed WCC application.

A non-deployed application is simply one in which the application source is installed on your local development environment. There are two primary reasons you would have the source installed in your local development environment:

  • You are creating a new custom application using WCC components. This allows you to design the application to exactly fit your needs. For information about creating a new custom WCC application, including reference information about all of the available components, see the TIBCO Workspace Components Developer Guide.
  • You already have the Workspace application deployed, but you want to make changes to it that are beyond the scope of what you can do via configuration with the Configuration Administrator. This requires that you install the Workspace application locally, make the desired changes, then re-deploy it. The details of how to do this are provided below.

To accomplish either one of the scenarios described above, you must install TIBCO Business Studio locally. Business Studio provides the tools needed to create processes and organization models used in TIBCO applications. The Business Studio installation also includes the following software, which are used to create and/or customize WCC applications:

  • TIBCO General Interface Builder - This is the development tool you will use to open and modify WCC applications.
  • WCC components - These are used as the building blocks for WCC custom applications. The WCC components are added to custom applications using General Interface Builder.
  • The Workspace application/framework - The entire Workspace application and framework are also installed when you install TIBCO Business Studio.

The following are the types of customization tasks you can perform on your WCC application:

  • Layout / component changes - These kinds of changes are made by opening your application in General Interface Builder, then changing the layout or functionality using the standard General Interface Builder components or WCC components.

    If you are creating a new custom application, see the TIBCO Workspace Components Developer Guide for information about how to create the application and add WCC components to it.

    If you are customizing the Workspace application, see Opening the Workspace Application In General Interface Builder for information about how to open that application in General Interface Builder.

  • Configuration changes - For non-deployed applications, configuration changes are accomplished by making changes directly to configuration files in your local development environment.

    For information about making configuration changes to the local configuration files, see Configuring a Non-Deployed Application.

  • Code-level changes - Custom code can be added to perform whatever business logic is required. This requires that you open and modify files locally to implement the custom logic desired. Note that code changes should not be made to the ...\JSXAPPS\base\base.js file, as this is TIBCO’s private implementation of the WCC components—it is crunched and obfuscated.

    For information about custom code entry points, see the “Building Custom Applicationschapter in the TIBCO Workspace Components Developer Guide.

  • Other Customizations - There are other various customizations you can perform, such as changing fonts, colors, and images in the application, localizing the application, adding custom menus and toolbar buttons, etc.

    For information about these customizations, see Customizations.