Adding Diagram Nodes to a Concept Model

Many of the tasks you need to perform when adding diagram nodes to a concept model are the same as the tasks you need to perform when adding diagram nodes to a business object model.


For information on creating Packages, see Adding Packages.

Concepts and Attributes.

Note: Although a Class is called a Concept in a concept model, the steps for creating a Concept are the same as for creating a Class in a business object model.
Note: Operations are not available in a concept model.

For information on creating Concepts and Attributes, see Adding Classes Attributes and Operations.

Domain Values

In a concept model, Attributes can have Domain Values. To specify Domain Values for Attributes, do the following:

  • Click the Domain Values tab in the Properties view to add any values that the Attribute could have.

    For more information about the Properties view for Attributes, see Association Class Properties.

Primitive Types

For more information on creating Primitive Types, see Adding Primitive Types.


For more information about creating connections between objects in a concept model, see Creating Connections on page 252.