Attribute Name Contents
allocationMethod Identifies the (invalid) value passed as the allocation method within an org-model deployment artefact
deploymentUrl The URL of an organization model artefact deployed to BPM
entity Identifies an org-model entity that was incorrectly assigned to a deployment artefact record to which it does not belong
entityId The GUID of an organizational entity
entityType Names the type of org-model entity (such as GROUP, POSITION or ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT)
managedObjectName Organization model name
managedObjectId Organization model ID
paramDescriptor Identifies a Resource Attribute by its GUID
parameterType Names the data-type of an attribute for which an invalid value has been specified
localValue The invalid value specified for an attribute. Invalid because it does not fit the data-type of that attribute
resourceId GUID of the resource that has been incorrectly assigned
sourceEntity Identifies the System Action to which a Required Privilege is assigned.
targetEntity Identifies the org-model entity to which a System Action's Required Privilege applies.
version Organization model version number (in format major.minor.micro).

-1 defines the latest version of the organization model.