Configuring the Welcome Page

Openspace provides a welcome page that can be displayed when you first login. From the welcome page, you can perform activities, such as starting business services, viewing your work queues, performing administration tasks, or personalizing Openspace. By default, the welcome page is not displayed. To display the welcome page by default, amend the initial.welcome property in the file.

You can view the welcome page at any time by:
  • clicking the Openspace logo.
  • selecting Help and selecting the Show Welcome check box. If you select the Show Welcome check box, the welcome page is displayed every time you login.
This will override the initial.welcome property. However, if you click Reset Settings, Openspace reverts back to using the initial.welcome property setting.

For more information about the location of the file, see Openspace Configuration Overview for more information.


TIBCO recommends you take a back up of the file before amending it.


  1. Open the file in a text editor.
  2. Depending on how the initial.welcome property is set, either type true if you want the welcome page to display or false if you do not.
  3. Save and close the file.
  4. Log out and log back into TIBCO Openspace for the changes to take effect.