Group and Position Names

When you are viewing details about an individual resource, in the lower-right pane, the groups and positions in which a resource is a member, the group/position name may either be the "unique" name or the "display" name for the group or position.

For information about specifying which name is displayed, see Viewing Display Names vs. Unique Names for Organizational Entities.

If unique names are being displayed, and the resource is a member of multiple groups or positions, the names of those groups and positions are always unique in the list.

For example, if the resource is a member of three different "representative" positions, and they were given unique names, they may appear as follows:

However, if display names are being displayed, and the resource is a member of multiple groups or positions, the names of those groups and positions may be the same, depending on the display names they were given when they were defined.

For example, if the resource is a member of three different "representative" positions, and they were all given the display name of "Rep", they may appear as follows:

In this case, the display name is followed, in parentheses, by the path in the organization model to the group or position, so you can determine specifically to which group or position it is referring.