Starting and Stopping an Administrator Server

You start and stop an Administrator server by starting and stopping the SystemHost TIBCO Host instance. The process differs for Windows and Linux systems.


You must start other servers before starting Administrator server:
  • The Enterprise Messaging Service server that is the notification server
  • The database server if you are using an external Administrator database

You start and stop an Administrator server by starting and stopping the SystemHost TIBCO Host instance. SystemHost in turn starts SystemNode, the node on which the Administrator server runs.


  • Starting the SystemHost TIBCO Host Instance
    • Windows
      • If you created a Windows desktop shortcut, double-click the shortcut.
      • If SystemHost is registered as a Windows service:
        1. Open the Windows Services application.
        2. Click TIBCO ActiveMatrix Admin-enterpriseName-adminServerName.
        3. Click Start.
      • Run CONFIG_HOME\tibcohost\Admin-enterpriseName-adminServerName\host\bin\tibcohost.exe.
    • UNIX Run CONFIG_HOME/tibcohost/Admin-enterpriseName-adminServerName/host/bin/tibcohost.

      Certain caveats apply to specific UNIX versions:


      tibcohost may fail to start with the error:
      Failed to exec process : Arg list too long : ./tibcohost
      To resolve, log on as root and run chdev -l sys0 -a ncargs=40.


      • Disable SELinux with the command sudo echo 0 > /selinux/enforce before running tibcohost.
    The tibcohost process is started and the node processes managed by SystemHost, including tibamx_SystemNode, are started.
  • Stopping the SystemHost TIBCO Host Instance
    • Windows
      • If SystemHost is registered as a Windows service:
        1. Open the Windows Services application.
        2. Click TIBCO ActiveMatrix Admin-enterpriseName-adminServerName.
        3. Click Stop.
      • Run CONFIG_HOME\tibcohost\Admin-enterpriseName-adminServerName\host\bin\tibcohost.exe stop -wait true.
    • UNIX Run CONFIG_HOME/ tibcohost/Admin-enterpriseName-adminServerName/host/bin/tibcohost stop -wait true.
    If you perform the stop from the command-line using the -wait option, the command completes and you are returned to the command prompt only after all the nodes are stopped.