Replacing Images

You can replace the images used in Openspace. Images are used in several places in Openspace. For example, in the gadgets.

Caution: TIBCO recommends that you take a copy of every image you want to replace before you start rebranding.


  1. Update the style sheet with the new image name as references to images are called from the style sheet.
  2. Replace the images in the locations described in the table below. Images are stored in either one or both of the following locations:
    • \\CONFIG_HOME\tibcohost\adminenvironment-bpmenvironment-adminservername\datan\host\plugins\com.tibco.openspace.login_n\resources
    • \\CONFIG_HOME\tibcohost\adminenvironment-bpmenvironment-adminservername\datan\host\plugins\com.tibco.openspace.login_n\resources\images

      See Openspace Configuration Overview for more information.

    The following table describes the images you can replace and their paths. Where there are two locations for an image file, you must replace the image in both locations.

    Image Feature Path
    • resources\
    • resources\images\
    trans_add.png Add tab resources\images\icons\
    tab_menu_view.png Table menu resources\images\tabs\
    pulldown_arrow_current.png Selected tab
    • resources\
    • resources\images\bg\
    pulldown_arrow_opacity_m.png Normal and Hover tab
    • resources\
    • resources\images\bg\
    TIBCOOpenspace_logo_white.png   resources\images\