Opening a Work Item with the openworkitem Application


  • Invoke the openworkitem application by passing the following parameters in the browser URL:


    • Host is the name or IP address of the machine hosting the Action Processor. This must be the same machine on which the application is running (i.e., the Action Processor and the application must be running on the same machine).
    • Port is the port number used by the ActiveMatrix WebApp Implementation Type to communicate with web applications.
    • workItemId identifies the work item to open.
    • versionNumber (optional) is the work item version, which indicates how many times the work item has changed state. The version number starts at 0 when the work item is created, and is incremented by one each time it changes state. If omitted, the current version is used.
    • channelId (optional) identifies which presentation channel to use when displaying work item forms when using an instance of that application. If omitted, the channel ID specified in the ChannelIdentifier in the openworkitem application’s config.xml file is used.

    The following are examples of opening a work item with the openworkitem application:

    • http://MyServer:8080/workspace/openworkitem.html?Id=23
    • http://MyServer:8080/workspace/openworkitem.html?Id=23&Version=4&ChannelId=Default_FORM_Channel