Viewing Resource Details

Resource details includes things like groups and positions to which the resources are mapped, privileges held by the resources, etc.


  1. Display the list of resources that contains the resources whose details you want to view.

    You can do this by either displaying the resources in an LDAP container (see Viewing the Resources in a Container), or the resources already mapped to a position or group (see Viewing Resources Mapped to a Position or Group).

  2. Select the desired resource(s).
    Select only BPM resources (resources that have a icon next to their name). No details are available for candidate resources.
  3. Click the Details tab.
    If you have a single resource selected, the right pane displays the categories of information available for the resource. The red number shown on the right side of each category heading indicates the number of items in that category. Note that much of this information (all categories except for capabilities and resource attributes) is only available when you select a single resource in the resource list. You can click the category headings to show details for the single resource that is selected. The categories of information are:
    • Capabilities - These are the capabilities possessed by the selected resource. For more information, see Capabilities.
    • Groups - These are the groups to which the resource has been mapped. For more information, see Mapping Resources.
    • Positions Held - These are the positions to which the resource has been mapped. For more information, see Mapping Resources.
    • Privileges - These are the privileges that the resource has inherited. The name in parentheses is the name of the group or position the user was mapped to that caused the resource to inherit the privilege. For more information, see Privileges.
    • Resource Attributes - This is the list of available resource attributes, as well as the value of each one for the selected resource. For more information, see Viewing and Editing Resource Attributes.
    • Push Destinations - These are the push destinations that have been assigned to the selected resource. Push destinations specify the destination(s) to which work items sent to a resource are to be pushed. For more information, see Editing Resource Push Destinations.
    • Location - The location to which the resource is assigned. Locations are defined in the organization model. You can change the location to which a resource is assigned using the Rename/Move Resource function. For information, see Moving a Resource to a Different LDAP Container.

    If you have multiple resources selected, an Edit link appears, as follows:

    Clicking the Edit link causes only two category headings to appear in the right pane -- Capabilities and Resource Attributes. These are the only categories that can be edited from the Organization Browser. For information about editing capabilities and resource attributes for the selected resources, see Viewing and Editing Resource Capabilities and Viewing and Editing Resource Attributes, respectively.