Gadgets Rebranding

To rebrand the gadgets, you must amend the classes and IDs that represent the specific areas of the gadgets that can be rebranded.

To rebrand the gadgets, you must amend the tibco.css file. (If you have changed the display theme for a gadget, you must edit the .css file that corresponds to that theme, instead of tibco.css.) See Amending Openspace CSS Files. The following table describes the gadget classes and IDs that you can amend.

Gadget Classes and IDs that can be Rebranded
Class/ID Feature Attribute
gwt-TabBar Tab bar
  • Background
    • Gradient
    • Color
  • Border
    • Top
    • Right
MultiStateImage-16 Add tab image
  • Background
    • URL (image)
gwt-TabBarFirst Decorative gutter
  • Background
    • Color
gwt-TabBarSelected tib-tab Selected tab
  • Background
    • Gradient
    • URL (image)
    • Color
  • Font
    • Color
gwt-TabBarItem tib-tab Normal tab
  • Background
    • Gradient
    • URL (image)
    • Color
  • Font
    • Color
  • Border
    • Right
gwt-TabBarItem tib-tab Hover tab
  • Background
    • Gradient
    • URL (image)
    • Color
  • Font
    • Color
  • Border
    • Right
tib-tab Tab definition Border - Margin
MultiStateImage17 Minimize all gadgets
  • Background
    • URL (image)
    • Color
  • Border
    • Top
    • Bottom