BDS Design-time Validations

During BOM creation, as well as processes that use BOMs, TIBCO Business Studio’s Problems view may show various errors and warnings from BDS.

This section lists the validation messages that may be seen. Each problem is classified as either an error or a warning. Errors are shown with a red marker and will prevent application deployment until they are resolved, whereas warnings, shown with a yellow marker, are merely advisory. Unless otherwise noted, the messages listed in this section are errors.

Validations in BOM Editor

While BOM Editor is being used to produce a BOM, it checks to make sure that the BOM you have created is valid and alerts you to any problems that have been found.

For many of the issues, it can help you solve the problem through Quick Fixes. For example, if you have duplicate Names, or reserved names for Classes or Attributes, it will resolve the problem names by adding a numerical suffix.

Concerning the Model (Top-Level Package)

  • Name must be dot-separated segments, each beginning with a letter or underscore and containing only letters, underscores and numbers, avoiding reserved words.
  • Duplicate model name ’modelname’.
  • modelname’ cannot be the same name as the project life cycle id.

Concerning Sub-Packages

  • Name must begin with a letter or underscore and contain only letters, underscores and numbers, avoiding reserved words.
  • Name must not contain reserved words.

Concerning Classes, Enumerations, and Primitive Types

  • Name must begin with a letter or underscore and contain only letters, underscores and numbers.
  • Name must not be a reserved word.
  • Name must not match the first segment of the fully-qualified package name.
  • Another type has the same name. Names are considered to clash even when the case differs.
  • Generated Java interface name ’name’ will conflict with the implementation class for 'nameofsomethingelse'.
  • Generated Java interface name 'name’ will conflict with the EMF factory interface for package 'packagename'.
  • Generated Java interface name 'name’ will conflict with the EMF factory implementation class for package 'packagename'.
  • Generated Java interface name 'name’ will conflict with the EMF package interface for package 'packagename’.
  • Generated Java interface name 'name’ will conflict with the EMF package implementation class for package 'packagename'.
  • Generated Java interface name 'name’ will conflict with an EMF utility class for package 'packagename>'.

Concerning Attributes

  • Another attribute has the same name. Names are considered to clash even when the case differs.
  • Default values are ignored for attributes with a multiplicity greater than one [warning].
  • It makes no sense having a default value for an optional attribute, as it will always apply [warning].
  • Attribute name must begin with a letter or underscore and contain only letters, underscores and numbers. If it starts with two letters, they must be of the same case.
  • Attribute name must not be a reserved word.
  • The Attachment type is not supported.

Concerning Primitive Types

  • The Attachment type is not supported.

Concerning Enumerations

  • Enumeration must contain at least one literal.

Concerning Enumeration Literals

  • Enumeration Literal name must begin with an upper-case letter and contain only upper-case letters and numbers.