Creating a Rule to Compute Age (Capture Claim Form)

It is best practice to listen on parameter update events and modify the parameter values as part of rules that propagate changes through bindings rather than directly updating the control values. This avoids the need to write the form open scripts when parameter change events occur as part of form initialization.

The rule you create will:

  • Listen for changes in the value of Birth Date (BirthDate) parameter.
  • Create a computation action that will compute age based on updates to the value of BirthDate parameter and Customer Age(CustAge) parameters. Since there is already a binding between Customer Age(CustAge) parameter and Age(CustAge) control, the Age control is automatically updated with the computed value.


  1. Select the parameter Customer Age (CustAge) from the Data node of the Outline view on the Capture Claim form.
  2. Click the Add Binding button.

    The Create Binding dialog opens.

  3. Select the radio button Update this property using Computation Action and click Next.
  4. In the Rule: Edit Computation Action dialog, type following JavaScript code as part of an expression that computes the age based on the birth date specified:
    var birthDate = context.newValue;'compute_age: Birth date received=' 
        + birthDate);
    if (birthDate != null) {
        var now = new Date();
        var age = now.getFullYear() - birthDate.getFullYear();
        //compute age
        if (now.getMonth() <= birthDate.getMonth() && now.getDate() 
            <= birthDate.getDate()) {
            age = age--;
        if (age <= 0) {
            age = 0;
        }'compute_age: Returning the age         value=' + age);
        //populate age field with age computed.
    } else {
  5. Click Next.

    The Rule: Pick Events dialog opens.

  6. Click (plus) button to select an event.

    The Select Event dialog opens.

  7. Select Update property of the parameter Birth Date (BirthDate).
  8. Click OK.
  9. Click Finish.
    Note: Test your script by clicking the GWT Preview tab, specifying a value for the birth date, and pressing the Enter key. The calculated age will appear in the Age field.