REST API - saveTerminatedProcessInstances - Passing process and module name

The table summarizes the REST API - saveTerminatedProcessInstances.


PUT <baseurl>/process/save/terminated/instances/{process}/{module}/{willsave}
Path parameters
  • process: Name of the process template.
  • module: Name of the module to which the process published as a REST service belongs.
  • willSave: Indicates whether terminated process instances should be saved.
Query parameters
  • duration=string (0..n)(optional): The duration for which the terminated process will be saved.
  • version=string (0..n): Version of the process template.

Parameters can be obtained from queryProcessTemplates and queryProcessTemplatesAlt . Omitting these values, returns a list of all process templates.


JSON If successful, returns 200 OK in the response header, and status message in the response body.
XML If successful, returns 200 OK in the response header, and status message in the response body.


PUT <baseurl>/process/save/terminated/instances/GetandViewData/%2FSanityProcesses%2FSanity%20Tests%2FSanityTests.xpdl/true
    "xml-fragment": {
        "statusMessage": "saveTerminatedProcessInstances operation has completed. Save state was updated for 1 process templates",
        "details": ""