
The getEventPublisherInfo method returns the Event Publisher information by Event Publisher name.

If the event publisher name argument is blank then all event publishers are returned. On specifying the event publisher name argument, it serves as a regular expression used to filter the event publisher returned.


Synchronous, IMPACT_INFO.


Name Type Description
Event Publisher Name String The Event Publisher Name.


Name Type Description
Name String Name of the Event Publisher.
Status String The current status of the event publisher (started/stop).
Auto Start String The flag to indicate event publisher is auto start configured.
Interval Time String The interval time to publish events.
Subscribe On Event Source Name String The name of the Event Source on the Event Publisher Subscribe.
CL Logger Name String The TIBCO Common Logging logger name.
CL Extended Model Name String The TIBCO Common Logging Extended Model name.
CL Extended Model Package Name String The TIBCO Common Logging Extended Model package name.