
Updates the specified calendar if it already exists, or creates it if it does not exist.

  • The request identifies whether the calendar being saved is a base or overlay calendar.
  • For an overlay calendar, only the namespace and name, to identify the calendar, are included in the request.
  • For a base calendar, the request also includes the calendar timezone and the working day entries. An overlay calendar does not have a timezone.
  • For a base calendar, date and time values in the request are stored as UTC. However it is best practice to specify a timezone of UTC for each time entered, to prevent any misinterpretation that might result from the different timezones of client and server. See Parameter notes for more information on how timezones are handled.
  • If the saveCalendar request is one to update an existing Calendar, this request should include the version value returned in the earlier request to retrieve the calendar (getCalendar).
  • If the given version value does not match the current value held in the database, a conflicting update must have occurred since the initial request to retrieve the calendar, and the save request will be rejected; The caller must then perform another getCalendar request, to obtain the curent version.
  • If the version value shows no conflict, the calendar is updated, and the response includes a new version value.
  • Amendments to existing calendars will not be reflected in those deadline calculations that have already been performed.
Required System Action
API Descriptions