Purging Processes through the Command Line Interface

You can use the command-line interface to purge processes. Connect to the BPM console as a BPM user using a SSH client such as PuTTY. The user you are logging in as should have the correct permissions (specifically the purgeProcessInstances system action).

When you have connected to the BPM console using a SSH client as a BPM user you need to set the following:
  • Host name: the host should be the machine where the BPMNode is running.
  • Port number: the default port the BPM console runs on is 5222.
  • Connection type: select SSH.

When you have completed the configuration, you open a command-line interface similar to the folllowing:

Use the following syntax:

  • ppbs [purge-processes-by-status]

    Purge terminated process instances based on status (Valid States are: COMPLETED,CANCELLED or FAULTED). For example, ppbs COMPLETED will purge all instances that are in the COMPLETED state.

  • ppbd [purge-processes-by-duration]

    Purge terminated process instances based on duration ( Duration Format : P2Y4M5DT10H12M15S). For example, ppbd P4M5D will purge all processes instances that have been in a terminal state for 4 months, 5 days.

  • pps [purge-processes-status]

    Check the status of purge job.

  • spp [stop-purge-process]

    Stop purge job.