Viewing Categories

You can view your categories from the Business Services gadget.

You can:

  • Display all your categories.
  • Display a list of your most recently viewed categories.
  • Store categories as favorites.


  1. To display all the categories, click The button is grey and has a dialog icon at the far left. All categories is in black text.
    You can expand the children categories of the selected category in the tree by clicking The icon shows two different sized boxes. The larger box is next a person..
  2. To collapse the whole tree, click The icon has 3 blocks, decreasing in size with a person beside them.
  3. To display a list of your most recently viewed categories, click The button is grey with a dialog with people at the far left. Recent categories is in black text. Recent Categories displays the last 10 categories you viewed.
  4. To display your favorite categories, click The button is grey with a dialog with a gold start in it at the far left. Favorite categories is in black text.