SOAP API - checkAutoArchive

The table summarizes the SOAP API - checkAutoArchive.

Request Uses the checkAutoArchiveRequest element (from the EventCollectorManagementService schema).
Response Returns a checkAutoArchiveResponse element (from the EventCollectorManagementService schema).
Provides the following data about the archive:
  • isRunning: whether or not the archive is currently running.
  • status: if the archive is running, its status. For example, Starting archive, Archiving batch 10, Archiving system events, Completing archive.
  • nextArchiveAt: the time, in the format hh:mm, that the next archive will run.
  • lastRun: provides data about the last archive that run. See AutoArchiveResult.
  • currentRun: provides data about the archive that is currently running. See AutoArchiveResult.
Example Request:
      <checkAutoArchiveResponse xmlns="">
         <status xmlns="">
            <status>No Archive running</status>