
This operation is used to change the security subject for one or more process instances.

When a process instance is started, the name of the user who starts the instance is stored as the security subject. The process instance runs under this security subject. If the user associated with that security subject is deleted from ActiveMatrix BPM, but there are still active process instances with that security subject, those process instances will halt the next time they attempt to do anything that requires security.

The replaceUser operation is used to change the security subject associated with active process instances when the user needs to be deleted from ActiveMatrix BPM.

You can either pass in a user name or one or more process instance IDs. If you pass in a user name, all active process instances that are running under that subject name are changed to the name of the user making the call to replaceUser. If you pass in process instance IDs, those process instances are given the name of the user making the call to replaceUser.

For information about deleting users from ActiveMatrix BPM, see the "Deleting Resources" topic in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix® BPM Organization Browser User's Guide.

  • The request specifies a user name or a list of process IDs.
  • The response provides a count of the number of process instances for which the user name was replaced.
API Descriptions